Monday 30 January 2012


In this assignment i was required to come up with my own shop where i had to create a brand logo design and packaging based around my logo and type of shop i was creating. I came up with deciding to design a trainer shop because i have a big interest in trainers and in the society we live in trainers are a big asset and nearly everyone wears trainers people of all ages.

The brand name i decided to use was 'Super Kicks', i decided to use this name because it was catchy and fun. My initial logo ideas consisted of the letters 'SK' with different types of effects around it, i also came up with a shoe with the words Super Kicks underneath and a range of other ideas. I experimented with creating logo ideas out of chalk, paint and other materials. i came up with my final logo idea by splashing paint around the letters 'SK' and i liked it and decided to use it for my logo after developing it and editing it on photoshop. After i had come up with my logo i created a box design which i started up with basic designs such as putting my logo on the front with multi coloured sides etc. I developed my box design ideas and decided to put a range of images together and create an urban effect and make them all come together. The final thing i created was a tag that goes on top of laces packaging. The reason i did this instead of a swing tag was because trainers don't often have swing tags it is mainly clothes.

The person that inspired me was Russel Simmons who owns the fashion company 'Phatfarm' who design trainers. His companies work inspired as it had an urban and exclusive look to the products and made me want to base my work around the same lines. The Person that inspired to do the design that i had done was Andy Potts who is a graphic designer. Andy Potts work consists of bringing lots of images together of movement, buildings etc and combining them together to create a specific look on a design with the same colours.

The things that have worked well for me are my logo, my Box design and my swing tag. i was very happy with the designs i created on each one and thought that they met the expectations i was hoping for. The images i used worked with well because they all related to the theme and type of products my shop sold. The Photoshop effects that i had used worked very well as they gave the designs the look that i wanted and the colours went together nicely.

I think there were a number of things that i could have improved on in my final outcomes. Firstly my Box design i felt that i could have added more onto it and made it look more busy and eye catching. I also felt that I could have made my net more complex and less simple.

Overall I thought the project went well with my final outcomes, i could have done better with the sub-tasks leading up the final outcomes and there is certainly room for improvement. Overall I enjoyed this project  a lot.

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