Tuesday 30 April 2013

Final Evaluation

I started off with my initial ideas that based around hand made typography and digital typography where I then would combine the two. My ideas ranged from using food, buildings, graffiti, outdoor objects like trees etc, chemicals and so on. The exam theme was based on inside, outside and in-between so I made sure I incorporated my work around this. I came out with ideas based on typography inside cupboards and indoor places, typography and sign outside on the street, and also in-between things. Over the time period of the project my ideas changed and I came up with new techniques, I developed many of my original ideas and made them more exciting and interesting. I started off with a load of ideas and narrowed it down to a few which I could concentrate on and put more skill and effort into.

I gained most of my inspiration from an artist called David Carson. His work is based on clipping masks and putting images into type to make powerful meaningful typography. I wanted to incorporate his technique into my own so I created a load of experiments and found a love for this technique where I then developed it further. The exhibition inspired me a lot as it showed me new techniques and lots of artists work that I had never seen before. It broadened my mind of ideas and opened my mind up to new ways of presenting my work. The artist that most inspired my final outcome was again David Carson as I stuck with his technique mostly throughout my zine but also adding in a load of other techniques.

I created a wide range of experiments which all helped me to figure out what I liked most and felt comfortable with and also what ones I didn't like. I created hand made experiments and digital experiments and also combined the two. I experimented with cutting out, painting, waiter colours, photoshop and many more techniques. My experimentation gave me the confidence to complete the techniques I used in my final outcome. My experimentation from previous projects gave me ideas also for this project.

I found the exam challenging but flexible. I had the freedom to choose what techniques I wanted to use and how I wanted to go about it. I enjoyed working on my prep work and building up my experiments and ideas into bigger and better designs. The prep work gave me a better knowledge on different techniques and let me see more ways of doing things. There is room for improvement on my final outcome but I feel I did a good job and my hand made techniques have come a long way. I enjoyed combing in digital and hand made typography and I am pleased with my final outcome. The exam overall had its ups and downs but I feel it was successful.

Friday 26 April 2013


These are some photographs I captured of type on signs on the street. 

Wednesday 24 April 2013


These are two clipping masks I created using the inside and outside theme. I used an image of a forest and an image of a living room to represent the outdoors and inside. I like the clipping task technique and will be incorporating it into my final outcome. I will develop this and use different images and words within the clipping masks and also use more than one image.

Thursday 28 March 2013


This is an experiment I created by making the letter L of each word into a long one and extending it to make this interesting effect.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Clipping Mask

This is another clipping mask experiment I created using the background image of a outside mountain theme inside of the text saying 'WILDERNESS'. I enjoyed this tutorial a lot and I like the effect is gives. I could develop this and add in different text and images also add more than one image. I will be using this technique within my final outcome and will be developing it further making it more interesting and more exciting.

Thursday 21 March 2013


This is another experiment I created based on the one underneath mine. I changed the opacity of some letters so they showed through each other and also changed the colours. I made the colours quite vibrant so they jumped off of the page. I enjoyed this experiment and will be working with the technique and developing it.


This is some experimentation I created using colorised images of doors and putting text over the top to blend in with the background. I enjoyed this technique as it looked quite interesting to the eye and I liked the concept of it. I will be using this technique in future work and will be developing this technique. The image underneath of mine is where I gained my inspiration from.