
- Create net on illustrator
- Create net with designs on
- Complete Box Design
- Complete swing tag analysis
- Complete final swing tag
- Complete A1 sheet and Photograph
- Complete Evaluation

Have you collected primary visual research relating to your exam theme such as observational drawings and photographs? Are these on your blog?
  •  Yes I have and I have uploaded these onto my blog. I gathered images of different places around the world such as New York, London etc. I also drew a number of landmarks from places all over the world also.
Have you explored and developed your ideas imaginatively? How have you demonstrated this?
  • I have come up with a number of ideas and have developed them and made them more creative and interesting. 
Have you researched a diverse range of artwork and completed this on your blog? Who have you analysed? Is your analysis in-depth?
  • I have been to a number a number of exhibitions where I have looked into a number of artists work and also put up my favourite of their pieces on my blog. I have analysed Andy Potts as his work has inspired me and I am going to base my final outcome around his techniques.
Have you experimented with a wide range of techniques both handmade and computer generated? Which techniques have you used?
  • I have experimented with Lino printing and also collages. Apart from that I have not used any other techniques.
Have you refined / developed your outcomes through experimentation? How?
  • I have come up with my outcomes and need to improve on them. I am going to use the images I have gathered and use the techniques I am going to use on my final piece.
Have you written in detail about your experiments and developments on your blog and used this information to help you improve? 
  • I have not done this but I am going to complete this and give myself personal targets to complete.
Have you taken imaginative leaps/ shown a sense of discovery/ willingness to take risks in your work? If so how? If not, how can you do this?
  • I have not completed this but I will do this by using techniques and doing experimentations that I wouldn't usually do.
Have you shown enthusiasm and imagination in your work? If so, how? If not, how can you make changes to do this?
  • I have shown enthusiasm and imagination in my work but I just need to put it into action and create some experimentations.
Have you created work that is exciting and original? If so, how? If not, what can you do to improve this area?
  • My final idea is exciting and original because its going to be simple but look exciting and creative.
Have you annotated your blog thoroughly throughout?
  • I am going to annotate my blog and make sure I have all the requirements on there I need for this exam. 
Have you practised with your exam outcomes by creating mock-ups? Are your outcomes skilful/ well constructed? 
  • I am going to complete this task.
Have you created an exam plan?
  • I am going to create an exam plan so that I can keep on track and be aware of the improvements and objectives I need to complete.