Thursday 10 May 2012

Final Evaluation

For this project I was given the choice between four different briefs such as an illustration brief, typography brief, an Olympics brief and a packaging brief. I created mind maps and mood boards for each brief so that I had a clear idea of what the objective for each one was and so that I was sure on which one I wanted to do. I chose the illustration brief because it looked most exciting and including all the kind of tasks I enjoyed doing.

For the brief I chose which was the illustration one, I was required to either create a set of posters, a post card set, a stamp set, a letter set or an artists book as my final outcome.

Throughout the project I researched into a number of illustrators and attended a number of exhibitions which gave me a broader range of ideas. I had to carry out a range of starter tasks which included collecting travel related tickets and passes, complete observational drawings, complete a number of in depth analysis' and create or collect postcards. I carried out a lot of experimentation on techniques that I was thinking about using in my final outcomes such as Lino printing, embossing, paper installation, photoshop edits and sketches. I decided that I was going to do the set of posters for my outcome and the location I was going to use was going to be London. I travelled around London and took a large number of photographs that I could use in my final outcomes of Landmarks, scenery, people, transport vehicles, signs etc.

The illustrator that inspired me was Andy Potts, his work is based on collages and over lapping different layers and images hand drawn and photographed, this was the technique that I then decided to use and stuck to it. I watched a number of tutorials on how to do his technique so that I was familiar with it and got use to it. I experimented with images from the internet and then experimented with my own photographs which I was pleased with but still needed to learn more to make my illustrations more creative. Andy Potts created a piece on London which I chose as my favourite one as it related to my theme and outcome in every way, he included landmarks, scenery and people which is also what I had been intending to include also. Himself and his work were my biggest inspirations in what I was aiming to achieve.

I was quite pleased with my progress and my outcomes and they came out how I planned but still needed more work as they were not exactly how I wanted them to be one hundred percent. I think that I could have watched more tutorials and did also more hand drawn experimentation as well as digital to widen my variety of outcomes and techniques. I also feel that I could have researched into more designers and their techniques as well. Overall I am quite pleased with my outcomes but could have experimented more.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Exam Planner

This is an exam planner sheet I created with information on what I intend to do over the two days and what materials I require.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Final Outcome Experimentation

This is a design I created with images I photographed myself except for the London underground sign. I used the pin hole light effect and adjusted the hue saturation to fade out the backgrounds, I then made the whole image black and white to give it a dull London kind of look. I am also going to creating a similar piece to this but with the english colours blue, red and white. These are the types of designs I am going to be doing with my final outcomes.