Thursday 14 February 2013

Alex Trochut

Alex Trochut is graphic designer was born in 1981 in Barcelona. He studied graphic design at Elisava, and started working as freelance and illustrator in 2007. His illustrations take the modern notion of minimalism and flip it on its side. His designs are rich and elegant which amazing detail.

Above at the top is one of Trochut's pieces where he has used blue and red biro pens to create a set of words, instead of using the ink he has used the actual pens themselves to create the typography. My first initial reaction when looking at this piece was that the creativity and definition shown is amazing. The definition of the pens and the way the bend around each other to create the words work really well. I especially admired the how he turned such a simple object that we use in everyday life and turned it into such great typography.

The colours used are basic and simple but very effective, the black, blue and red are the colours of what the actual pen looks like therefore its totally relevant. The piece inspires me a lot as it shows that such a simple and basic object can be transformed into a piece of artwork by using some creativity. I will be experimenting with styles and techniques like this for my own personal work.

The second image is of another one of his pieces which is linked to the top one but instead he uses spaghetti and a red sauce. This piece is extremely creative and simple but again the image is very interesting. The way he has utilised the spaghetti to create a series of words and then it all comes to the bottom where it forms the actual dish spaghetti Bolognese.

The colours he has used again are basic but simple and completely relevant. This piece inspires me a lot as the fact of taking something so simple and turning it into the piece is remarkable and I plan to use these kind of techniques in my own person work.

Comparing these two they are very similar in the technique used and the creativity of using simple things to create typography out of. They are both very defined and clean cut. I personally prefer the image with the biro pens as it seems more creative and the style used looks more professional and defined.

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