I started off with my initial ideas that based around hand made typography and digital typography where I then would combine the two. My ideas ranged from using food, buildings, graffiti, outdoor objects like trees etc, chemicals and so on. The exam theme was based on inside, outside and in-between so I made sure I incorporated my work around this. I came out with ideas based on typography inside cupboards and indoor places, typography and sign outside on the street, and also in-between things. Over the time period of the project my ideas changed and I came up with new techniques, I developed many of my original ideas and made them more exciting and interesting. I started off with a load of ideas and narrowed it down to a few which I could concentrate on and put more skill and effort into.
I gained most of my inspiration from an artist called David Carson. His work is based on clipping masks and putting images into type to make powerful meaningful typography. I wanted to incorporate his technique into my own so I created a load of experiments and found a love for this technique where I then developed it further. The exhibition inspired me a lot as it showed me new techniques and lots of artists work that I had never seen before. It broadened my mind of ideas and opened my mind up to new ways of presenting my work. The artist that most inspired my final outcome was again David Carson as I stuck with his technique mostly throughout my zine but also adding in a load of other techniques.
I created a wide range of experiments which all helped me to figure out what I liked most and felt comfortable with and also what ones I didn't like. I created hand made experiments and digital experiments and also combined the two. I experimented with cutting out, painting, waiter colours, photoshop and many more techniques. My experimentation gave me the confidence to complete the techniques I used in my final outcome. My experimentation from previous projects gave me ideas also for this project.
I found the exam challenging but flexible. I had the freedom to choose what techniques I wanted to use and how I wanted to go about it. I enjoyed working on my prep work and building up my experiments and ideas into bigger and better designs. The prep work gave me a better knowledge on different techniques and let me see more ways of doing things. There is room for improvement on my final outcome but I feel I did a good job and my hand made techniques have come a long way. I enjoyed combing in digital and hand made typography and I am pleased with my final outcome. The exam overall had its ups and downs but I feel it was successful.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Friday, 26 April 2013
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
These are two clipping masks I created using the inside and outside theme. I used an image of a forest and an image of a living room to represent the outdoors and inside. I like the clipping task technique and will be incorporating it into my final outcome. I will develop this and use different images and words within the clipping masks and also use more than one image.
Thursday, 28 March 2013
This is an experiment I created by making the letter L of each word into a long one and extending it to make this interesting effect.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Clipping Mask
This is another clipping mask experiment I created using the background image of a outside mountain theme inside of the text saying 'WILDERNESS'. I enjoyed this tutorial a lot and I like the effect is gives. I could develop this and add in different text and images also add more than one image. I will be using this technique within my final outcome and will be developing it further making it more interesting and more exciting.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
This is another experiment I created based on the one underneath mine. I changed the opacity of some letters so they showed through each other and also changed the colours. I made the colours quite vibrant so they jumped off of the page. I enjoyed this experiment and will be working with the technique and developing it.
This is some experimentation I created using colorised images of doors and putting text over the top to blend in with the background. I enjoyed this technique as it looked quite interesting to the eye and I liked the concept of it. I will be using this technique in future work and will be developing this technique. The image underneath of mine is where I gained my inspiration from.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Paper cutting Experiment
This is an experiment that I created by cutting out words of a wall. I used photoshop and put faint words on top of the wall background where I then cut it out but left parts connected the words appear to be coming off the page. I put a blue background underneath so the words appear more visible. I enjoyed this technique and plan to be doing more hand made experiments like this. The image underneath is where I gained my inspiration from.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Paper Cut out
This is an experiment I created by cutting out parts of the letters and making a small crease so it makes it look like the letters are 3D. I enjoyed this one because it was different from using the computers and I like the effect it has. I will be using this technique in the future and will be improving this using different colours and different text.
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
David Carson
David Carson (born September 8, 1954) is an American graphic designer, art director and surfer. He is best known for his innovative magazine design, and use of experimental typography. He was the art director for the magazine Ray Gun, in which he employed much of the typographic and layout style for which he is known. Carson was perhaps the most influential graphic designer of the 1990s. In particular, his widely imitated aesthetic defined the so-called "grunge typography" era.
My first impression when looking at this image was that the he has positioned the words and the effects within them all create an interesting illusion. He has conveyed a message within this design and the imagery makes us focus on each word individually and try to put it all together to form the big picture behind it. My first thoughts about this image were that words "what the heck are you doing? you're going to be dead a really long time" plus the kind of explosions and fire looking colours within the text made me think that it was a kind of warning poser. It could be trying to tell us to look at what we are doing with our lives and make a change before our lives end up a dark and bad way like an explosion. i especially admire the way he has put the words WHAT and DEAD in huge capital letters so that it draws the most attention, the reason being is that these two words are the most powerful and will have the bigger effect on the audience.
I think the technique used is very effective and the textured font and colours play a huge roll, if the font was black or a normal block colour it wouldn't have the same effect when you read it and you wouldn't be able to look deeper into it. The bold block capitals make it look serious and assertive so it feels like it is demanding you rather than asking you. The colours used are dull but bright like a fire with the smoke covering it, i especially like the texture used which makes it look like an explosion is going on within the lettering.
This image has given me a lot of inspiration and the use of technique using the clipping mask is a technique i like a lot and will be using it within my own work. I admire using typography to put a message across in an interesting way and to connect with the audience making them think deeper rather then having an image that is straight forward.
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Experimentation Object Typography
This is a photoshop experiment I created using different objects to create typography. I used images of clocks to create the word time, images of running spikes to create the word, and images of basket balls to create the word dunk.
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Experimentation : Smoke Text
This is an experiment I completed on photoshop. I created a sort of smoke texture on the font and duplicated the layers to create a shadow effect.
Monday, 25 February 2013
Experimentation : Clipping Mask
This is an experiment I created using an image of myself and a clipping mask. I combined my first initial and my image into one another to create this interesting typography effect. I enjoyed this tutorial a lot and will be using this technique for my own person designs.
Experimentation : Blending
This is an experiment I created on Illustrator using the blending tool and combining different coloured circles together to create letters and patterns. I enjoyed this tutorial as it showed me how to create interesting designs out of simple shapes and colours.
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Abstract - Abstract art can be a painting or sculpture that does not depict a person, place or thing in the natural world even in an extremely distorted or exaggerated way. Therefore, the subject of the work is based on what you see: colour, shapes, brushstrokes, size, scale and in some cases the process.
Zine - A zine (pronounced zeen) is a self-published publication of text and images. Common topics include fandom, the personal, art, fiction, politics, humor, gender/sexuailty, religion/spirituality, crafts, food, and more.
Zine - A zine (pronounced zeen) is a self-published publication of text and images. Common topics include fandom, the personal, art, fiction, politics, humor, gender/sexuailty, religion/spirituality, crafts, food, and more.
Typography drawings
These are some hand made typography fonts that I drew. The consist of old traditional fonts, stencil, mixed media and some other different styles.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Alex Trochut
Alex Trochut is graphic designer was born in 1981 in Barcelona. He studied graphic design at Elisava, and started working as freelance and illustrator in 2007. His illustrations take the modern notion of minimalism and flip it on its side. His designs are rich and elegant which amazing detail.
Above at the top is one of Trochut's pieces where he has used blue and red biro pens to create a set of words, instead of using the ink he has used the actual pens themselves to create the typography. My first initial reaction when looking at this piece was that the creativity and definition shown is amazing. The definition of the pens and the way the bend around each other to create the words work really well. I especially admired the how he turned such a simple object that we use in everyday life and turned it into such great typography.
The colours used are basic and simple but very effective, the black, blue and red are the colours of what the actual pen looks like therefore its totally relevant. The piece inspires me a lot as it shows that such a simple and basic object can be transformed into a piece of artwork by using some creativity. I will be experimenting with styles and techniques like this for my own personal work.
The second image is of another one of his pieces which is linked to the top one but instead he uses spaghetti and a red sauce. This piece is extremely creative and simple but again the image is very interesting. The way he has utilised the spaghetti to create a series of words and then it all comes to the bottom where it forms the actual dish spaghetti Bolognese.
The colours he has used again are basic but simple and completely relevant. This piece inspires me a lot as the fact of taking something so simple and turning it into the piece is remarkable and I plan to use these kind of techniques in my own person work.
Comparing these two they are very similar in the technique used and the creativity of using simple things to create typography out of. They are both very defined and clean cut. I personally prefer the image with the biro pens as it seems more creative and the style used looks more professional and defined.
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Monday, 4 February 2013
Personal Study
For this years coursework the main theme was based on Music. I was
required to complete two main coursework projects that included making a CD
package and designing a Logo for an artist. I also had to complete T-shirt
designs for a Music artists clothing label. I had to complete smaller tasks
such as researching into already crafted CD packages and research based on the
artist and their music. The structure of my coursework was starting off with
initial ideas and then developing them to end up with a final outcome that can
showcase my skills and techniques that I had gained during the coursework
project. I combined hand drawn sketches and digital work so that I had a
variation of techniques throughout my project.

AS to A2 Project
For my AS to A2 Project the theme was on music where we had to choose a Music artist and analyse different types of CD packages. I chose a rap group called Maybach Music Group 'MMG' which I then studied their logo and style of group they were. I looked into the designers that created their logo and CD cases so I could see what type of designs they work with and the techniques they use. For my research I used mainly the internet and looked at different artists blogs and websites where their work was showcased. The artists that I looked into mostly was Rob Ryan and again Andy Potts. I was interested in Rob Ryan as I was amazed at what he could create from paper cutting and I thought I could include this technique in my own work. Andy Potts was the other designer I admired as his work looked very urban and gritty which is what rap is mainly about. I liked the way he overlapped images and different textures to create an interesting layered design. I felt this could work very will within a CD package or the booklet. The examples that most influenced me were Rob Ryans paper cut of the night city and Andy Potts montage of America. I was also interested in an artist called Miles Donovan who uses mainly thresholds to create textures images.
CD Packaging Project
For the CD packaging project I was required to create an album for the music group I chose which was the Maybach Music Group. I had to design a logo, packaging, an album booklet and a label. I started off by analysing album artwork that had already been created by artists. I researched into Jessamine Houdini who created a kind of dark CD package. I gained inspiration from this work which I then brainstormed a load of ideas that I came up with. I analysed a few more artists and then gained more inspiration on the making of the package not just the design. I was thinking of new ways to make opening the case more exciting and interesting like pop up cases, fold out ones etc. The sources I used were mainly artists websites and also just looking at CD cases in the flesh and analysing them inside out. I heard about the contextual examples through blogs and forums where people were talking about the art work which I then found out names and their websites. For my own design I wanted to create something urban but that also symbolised luxury and wealth. I did a photoshoot which I then edited them and put them into the logo. I received a lot of advice and feedback from my peers and teachers which gave me more ideas and showed my how to improve my work and enhance it. My teacher showed me new techniques I could use to make my designs better and more exciting which I then used.
Personal Project
My Personal project outcome linked to the themes I addressed in my idea sheets as the designs I used were what I originally planned to do. The contextual links I used was the work of Andy Potts and Tim Marrs as I have admired their work for a while and their designs and work amaze me every time. The work I analysed inspired me to create my final design and gave me more ideas that I could incorporate and combine. The sources I used were the artists blogs and websites where I found a lot of useful information on the techniques they use and a showcase of all their work. I got a lot of advice from my peers and teachers on how to improve my designs which helped me a lot. The feedback influenced me a lot.
In Depth Comparison
The illustrator that has inspired me is Andy Potts. He is an illustrator based in London but originates from the west midlands. Since he graduated from Portsmouth with a BA Hons degree in illustration he has took up a career in the image making, graphic design, animation and art direction including a 7 year stint as lead designer at Abbey Road Studios. Over the last then years the illustration has taken up most of his life and he has worked a large number of projects with a number of clients in advertising, book covers and work for magazines and newspapers.
Andy Potts uses hand made designs combined with digital designs which creates these interesting creative pieces. For my final outcomes I have I am going to be using hand made designs combined with digital designs which is linked to Andy Potts' work. I am going to be using Landmarks in London such as the London eye, Big Ben, Trafalgar square, London Transport etc and combining them together to create a creative collage type of piece. For the handmade side I am going to print my outcome onto tracing paper which I will then create a Cyanotype.
The images above are of Andy Potts' work which are my favourite pieces of work created by him and have inspired me in the ideas that I have come up with. Both are related to London which is the location I am going to be using and the images that he has used are the types of things I have been photographing. The top image is my overall favourite as it includes all the landmarks of London and also the colours of the British flag which is red, white and Blue. I also admire how the bottom image he has made a heart out of the bike route and added all the illustration inside of it which represents them as being the heart of London.
This is the work by illustrator Tim Marrs. He is most recognised for his Nike Campaign and the work he he has produced for big companies such as Lucozade, Pepsi, Natwest and popular magazines. He bases his work around the technique of bringing together different images and overlaying them in a montage.
My first reaction when I saw the top piece of work was film and television. The man sitting in the chair in front of the tv appears to be brain dead from the way there is blood splattered beneath him and around him. The way all the images are surrounding the television could represent the media world coming to life and taking over the mans mind who is sitting down in the chair.
I like the creativity of this piece and the gritty look it has to it. I think he has used elements of stencilling and also over laying different images large and small. I admire the squares he has used overlapping each other which adds a technology kind of feel to it. Personally I like Tim Marrs work and the way he uses the techniques, I am considering experimenting with my own work using his techniques and styles.
The colours used are quite gritty but eye catching. Straight away the red caught my eye and the blood splattering which made me think about death and violence. The colours are quite dark and gritty which relates to the dark side of the television world.
The next image seems to be similar to the image above as they both are based on television and people. My first impression when I saw this piece was family and technology. The image could represent the way technology has developed over so many years as you can see from the iPad the boy is holding, the laptop, the xbox controller, the phone and the child holding the TV remote. The family are all dressed quite old fashionably which is a binary opposition of old and new. Usually many years ago families would all be together doing something but nowadays families have all of these new gadgets which makes them not really socialise together even though they are all sitting in the same room.
I like the techniques used in this piece I think the colours used are effective and grab your attention and the whole piece is sort of like a collage with writing and small images overlapping each other in the background. Tim Marrs is very good at using that technique and uses it very effectively.
These two artists work are very similar in the techniques they use and the images they use. The themes of the two pieces are based on landmarks and symbols so they both link in to each other. The use similar colours and both use different textures in their pieces.
The artist that had the biggest influence on my was Andy Potts, I have followed his work and been influenced by many of his designs. I have learnt some of his techniques and created my own outcomes with them. My personal style is more illustration and special effects rather than hand made designs. My strongest techniques are more on the digital side.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Final Evaluation
For this project I was required to design my own brief that was related to the previous CD packaging project. I decided to base my brief around clothing so I designed a Logo and two T-shirt designs for the Maybach Music Group also known as MMG for short. For this project my aim was to create the best outcomes I could make and learn to use different techniques. I was aiming to make my T-shirts unique and exciting but at the same time urban as my client is a Rap group.
I started off with some initial ideas that I was satisfied with but wasn't completely sure if i wanted to take them further as final outcomes. I created some experimentation focusing on editing one image to make it exciting but I felt that i wanted to combine a load of images to make it feel like a montage. I then went out a did a photo shoot in different locations one inside and one outside, it was a successful shoot and the photographs came out just as i wanted them. With the photographs I started to edit individual ones with various effects. I came out with 3 designs but decided i wanted to combine images together to make it compact and exciting so that is what i did. I added some textures and random objects and shapes to give the design some depth.
For my Logo I created a sniper sharpshoot aim symbol on illustrator and added in some text and other texture designs to make it look linked to my two final designs. I think all three work very well together.
The artists I looked at and gained my inspiration from were Andy Potts and Tim Marrs. These are two artists that I have admired for a while and their work inspires me and the effects they use inspired me to do the same for my final outcome designs. Tim marrs' work gave me the most inspiration as his work looked quite urban and had a interesting kind of depth to it.
I came across a number of problems throughout the project such as certain textures were not working well with certain images I wanted to use, I had to do a lot in a short amount of time such as working out where each thing would be printed onto the T-shirts, also creating a Logo that I wanted to use. Overall I feel the project went very well, I am pleased with each of my designs and the techniques I learnt over the project. There is always room for improvement but I felt these final outcomes were very good and I did what I intended to do. The skills and knowledge that I gained throughout this project can now assist me in the future.
I started off with some initial ideas that I was satisfied with but wasn't completely sure if i wanted to take them further as final outcomes. I created some experimentation focusing on editing one image to make it exciting but I felt that i wanted to combine a load of images to make it feel like a montage. I then went out a did a photo shoot in different locations one inside and one outside, it was a successful shoot and the photographs came out just as i wanted them. With the photographs I started to edit individual ones with various effects. I came out with 3 designs but decided i wanted to combine images together to make it compact and exciting so that is what i did. I added some textures and random objects and shapes to give the design some depth.
For my Logo I created a sniper sharpshoot aim symbol on illustrator and added in some text and other texture designs to make it look linked to my two final designs. I think all three work very well together.
The artists I looked at and gained my inspiration from were Andy Potts and Tim Marrs. These are two artists that I have admired for a while and their work inspires me and the effects they use inspired me to do the same for my final outcome designs. Tim marrs' work gave me the most inspiration as his work looked quite urban and had a interesting kind of depth to it.
I came across a number of problems throughout the project such as certain textures were not working well with certain images I wanted to use, I had to do a lot in a short amount of time such as working out where each thing would be printed onto the T-shirts, also creating a Logo that I wanted to use. Overall I feel the project went very well, I am pleased with each of my designs and the techniques I learnt over the project. There is always room for improvement but I felt these final outcomes were very good and I did what I intended to do. The skills and knowledge that I gained throughout this project can now assist me in the future.
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
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