Tuesday 21 February 2012

Observational Drawings

These are pictures I drew of objects related to travel and different countries. I drew the giraffe because it is an animal associated with Africa. I also drew pictures of my younger brothers toys which are a helicopter and a car which are both used for travelling.

Monday 20 February 2012

( Starter Activity ) Five different Travel destinations- Researching and Recording






These are five different locations I have chose which have well known land marks. I have chose these places as they are the most appealing and I have been to most of them. They all relate to my theme which is based on different travel destinations, landmarks and buildings.

Saturday 18 February 2012

( Starter Activity ) Travel related Tickets - Researching and Recording

These are 5 travel related tickets I collected and scanned in. There are two oyster cards that you need to be able to travel on any type of London Transport, a day Travel Card that allows you to travel on all London Transport up to as many times as you want for one day only, an airline ticket which I used to board a plane to Tenerife and a Driving License which you must have to be able to drive a car on the road legally.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

( Starter Activity ) Landmark Drawings

These are some drawings I created of popular landmarks found in a certain country. The first is of a Red Bus that is associated with London. The second is of the Tokyo Tower which is associated with Japan, the next is of the Eiffel  tower that is a well known landmark of France, and the last is of the Statue of Liberty which is one of the worlds most famous landmarks which is associated in New York City America.

Monday 13 February 2012

( Starter Activity ) In Depth Analysis of Poster

This is a poster advertising a trip to London. My first reaction to this work was London and its trademarks. The first aspects that grab my attention are the solid red white and blue colours which are the symbolic colours on London and the British flag. This poster brings out the main things which represent London such as the Bus, Telephone Box, the London Eye, Big Ben, House of Parliament and the London Underground sign. The poster looks very busy which resembles London because it is also a very busy place.

I think that the Artists aim was to make the audience feel a part of London and come to see its trademarks. The images appear like they are coming out of the poster at you and makes you feel like London is coming to you and making you want to go there. The poster looks quite modern as the date says 2010 but the trademarks used are quite old such as the Bus as you don't really tend to see them buses on the roads as often as you would years ago. I think the purpose of that was to make the audience think of London as how it is years ago rather than London now with all the violence and teenage killings etc.

The poster looks like it has been edited on photoshop by using the threshold tool to give the images some texture and also the overlay tool so the images overlap onto each other. I think that these images are actual photographs that have just been edited. The big British flag on the background looks like it has been made on the computer. The silhouette of London Bridge in front of the British Flag works really well as the '26-28 March 2010' is going across which looks like it is holding the two Bridge towers together.

Personally I like this Poster as it makes you have a good feeling of London and makes you want to go there. The way all the images of the London trademarks overlay onto each other and also appear texturised a good effect and work well together. The solid colours used represent London and stand out very boldly. Overall I think this was a very successful Poster.

( Starter Activity ) In Depth Analysis of Letter Set

This is a letter set with the theme of fruit. My first impression of this letter set was that it was aimed at young girls as it also has a sticker set. It looks attractive to the eye and the bright colours of the fruit make it look tasty, fun and happy. The first thoughts that came to my head when looking at this is healthy eating and cakes. The pink writing and sticker set reminded me of cake icing and fruit is used in cake which gave me the thought. The main parts that draw my attention are the fruits that are bunched up on the bottom of the page and the side, there are a lot of different colours but they all work well together as it is on a white background.

I think that the Artists aim was make this letter set look tasty and fun, they may have been trying to make the person receiving this feel healthy and happy and also may have wanted to encourage them to eat fruit. The pink curly writing looks like icing from on a cake so the artist may have tried to get the audiences senses of taste and touch going. The set looks creative with the sticker set so the artist could have wanted the person sending it to get their creative juices flowing which resembles juice from fruits and be creative instead of just writing.

The letter looks like it has been created on the computer and the fruits have been drawn and then edited to look sharp and realistic. When using images of fruit on things like this I personally think it is more attractive to the eye to use real photographs of fruit to show the juices and the real texture so it gets the audience feeling like they are touching and tasting the fruit.

Personally I like this letter set as its creative and makes me feel healthy and creative. The only negative point is that I think the artist should have used real photographs of fruit instead of computerised ones so that the audience can feel more senses by looking at. Overall I feel it is a successful piece.

Friday 10 February 2012

( Starter Activity ) In Depth Analysis of Post Card

This is a post card from Florida Miami. My first reaction to this work was that it looks attractive to the eye and makes Miami look appealing. Miami is a hot beautiful place and the post card shows this. The first thing that came to my head when I saw this was the beach, palm trees and the sun. The parts that draw my attention in the post card is the way the different colours in the sky blend into the clouds each to create a smooth bright looking sky. When i look at this image it makes me feel relaxed and makes me want to go to Miami. It reminds me of going on holiday and the excitement of being in a hotel in another country experiencing different scenery and people.

I think that the artist' aim was to make who ever received this post card feel emotions of what Miami is like and also make them feel like they are present there or want to be there. There all people involved in the picture are dressed in bright colours which symbolises happiness, the people could be going to the beach or going out to have fun. The cars look quite old which shows that this is what Miami was like in the past years.

The image looks like the artist has used the airbrush effect. I think the artist used this effect to make the image look like a fantasy and make it look perfect and neat rather than a real photograph. The artist hasn't  gone over the top and made the image look fake and too fantasy like, they have made it look realistic with a slight effect to make it look neat and have a smooth  look to it, the image looks original.

Personally i like this piece because it puts my mind in a relaxed state of mind and brings me memories of going on holiday. Seeing this image makes me want to go to Miami and makes it look like heaven and a dream land. This piece is orginal and calm as it doesnt have any major effects to make it look unreal.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

My Exam Brief

1. I have selected this brief because the theme of transport, holidays and travelling appeals to me and the being able to base my work around it also appeals to me.

2. I am planning to research into London and the transport of london. I will also be researching the most popular trademarks on London.

3. The designers i will be looking at are Andy Potts, Tim Marrs and Danny Allison

4. The techniques i am going to use with be on photoshop using the threshold tool and other creative tools. I am also going to produce hand drawn sketches.

5. I am planning to make 5 illustrations on 30x30 posters.