Monday 13 February 2012

( Starter Activity ) In Depth Analysis of Letter Set

This is a letter set with the theme of fruit. My first impression of this letter set was that it was aimed at young girls as it also has a sticker set. It looks attractive to the eye and the bright colours of the fruit make it look tasty, fun and happy. The first thoughts that came to my head when looking at this is healthy eating and cakes. The pink writing and sticker set reminded me of cake icing and fruit is used in cake which gave me the thought. The main parts that draw my attention are the fruits that are bunched up on the bottom of the page and the side, there are a lot of different colours but they all work well together as it is on a white background.

I think that the Artists aim was make this letter set look tasty and fun, they may have been trying to make the person receiving this feel healthy and happy and also may have wanted to encourage them to eat fruit. The pink curly writing looks like icing from on a cake so the artist may have tried to get the audiences senses of taste and touch going. The set looks creative with the sticker set so the artist could have wanted the person sending it to get their creative juices flowing which resembles juice from fruits and be creative instead of just writing.

The letter looks like it has been created on the computer and the fruits have been drawn and then edited to look sharp and realistic. When using images of fruit on things like this I personally think it is more attractive to the eye to use real photographs of fruit to show the juices and the real texture so it gets the audience feeling like they are touching and tasting the fruit.

Personally I like this letter set as its creative and makes me feel healthy and creative. The only negative point is that I think the artist should have used real photographs of fruit instead of computerised ones so that the audience can feel more senses by looking at. Overall I feel it is a successful piece.

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