Friday 10 February 2012

( Starter Activity ) In Depth Analysis of Post Card

This is a post card from Florida Miami. My first reaction to this work was that it looks attractive to the eye and makes Miami look appealing. Miami is a hot beautiful place and the post card shows this. The first thing that came to my head when I saw this was the beach, palm trees and the sun. The parts that draw my attention in the post card is the way the different colours in the sky blend into the clouds each to create a smooth bright looking sky. When i look at this image it makes me feel relaxed and makes me want to go to Miami. It reminds me of going on holiday and the excitement of being in a hotel in another country experiencing different scenery and people.

I think that the artist' aim was to make who ever received this post card feel emotions of what Miami is like and also make them feel like they are present there or want to be there. There all people involved in the picture are dressed in bright colours which symbolises happiness, the people could be going to the beach or going out to have fun. The cars look quite old which shows that this is what Miami was like in the past years.

The image looks like the artist has used the airbrush effect. I think the artist used this effect to make the image look like a fantasy and make it look perfect and neat rather than a real photograph. The artist hasn't  gone over the top and made the image look fake and too fantasy like, they have made it look realistic with a slight effect to make it look neat and have a smooth  look to it, the image looks original.

Personally i like this piece because it puts my mind in a relaxed state of mind and brings me memories of going on holiday. Seeing this image makes me want to go to Miami and makes it look like heaven and a dream land. This piece is orginal and calm as it doesnt have any major effects to make it look unreal.

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