Monday 13 February 2012

( Starter Activity ) In Depth Analysis of Poster

This is a poster advertising a trip to London. My first reaction to this work was London and its trademarks. The first aspects that grab my attention are the solid red white and blue colours which are the symbolic colours on London and the British flag. This poster brings out the main things which represent London such as the Bus, Telephone Box, the London Eye, Big Ben, House of Parliament and the London Underground sign. The poster looks very busy which resembles London because it is also a very busy place.

I think that the Artists aim was to make the audience feel a part of London and come to see its trademarks. The images appear like they are coming out of the poster at you and makes you feel like London is coming to you and making you want to go there. The poster looks quite modern as the date says 2010 but the trademarks used are quite old such as the Bus as you don't really tend to see them buses on the roads as often as you would years ago. I think the purpose of that was to make the audience think of London as how it is years ago rather than London now with all the violence and teenage killings etc.

The poster looks like it has been edited on photoshop by using the threshold tool to give the images some texture and also the overlay tool so the images overlap onto each other. I think that these images are actual photographs that have just been edited. The big British flag on the background looks like it has been made on the computer. The silhouette of London Bridge in front of the British Flag works really well as the '26-28 March 2010' is going across which looks like it is holding the two Bridge towers together.

Personally I like this Poster as it makes you have a good feeling of London and makes you want to go there. The way all the images of the London trademarks overlay onto each other and also appear texturised a good effect and work well together. The solid colours used represent London and stand out very boldly. Overall I think this was a very successful Poster.

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