Sunday 23 September 2012

Packaging Analysis

The first thing that came into my head when I saw this album was aliens and Ufos. I think the music will sound quite calm and mysterious like a Ufo itself. The album was released by Drug racer records in 1996, the band produce surf rock music. The target audience for this album would be rock fans from maybe 16 upwards. The people that listen to this genre of music are usually quite concealed and quiet even though rock is a loud and outgoing genre of music.

The imagery related to the album name as it consists of Ufos flying over a forest. I think that the pop out pieces to create a Ufo are very relevant and make the album more exciting and fun. The images used are faded which could indicate this is quite an old album, they also look slightly sketched also.

The colours used are quite faded and old fashioned, the album isn't bright which is relevant to the genre of music because surf rock is quite dim rather than other types of rock. The layout of this packaging is very different to normal album packages, this makes me view it in another light and see it as more exciting and fun.

Personally I like this this artwork a lot from the creativity that went into it and the way you can make a paper Ufo from the cut outs inside. This makes it more than just an average album. I would consider using this kind of technique in my designs to make it more fun and attractive for the target audience.

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