Sunday 23 September 2012

Packaging Analysis

My first reaction to this work was it looks fun and child like from the dolls house and little figures inside. I think the music would sound quite calm and catchy. The artwork was made by Jeff Harrison and the piece is called Vonnegut Dollshouse. The target audience could be indie rock fans who enjoy rock music but not the dark heavy kind of rock music.

The imagery plays a big part as it creates sort of a little story. The house represents the bands house and the little figures are of the people in the band. I think the house has a sort of indie rock theme to it from the interior of the house and also the colours used. I like the way the CD is at the centre of the house which represents it being the main part. It creates a humble and warming mood and also brings back some childhood memories.

The materials look like mainly card, the technique used is paper installation which is very effective and looks very unique. The colour used is quite basic, it mainly consists of different shades of brown which is usually the colour of house holds when indie rock was created and developed. This work is very effective in portraying that the music is the soul and main part of their house and it came into my head as soon as I looked at this piece.

Personally I like this work a lot from the creativity that went into it and how unique it looks. This has inspired me and I am considering on experimenting with paper installation to see what limitations it has and what I can get out of it.

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