Sunday 11 November 2012

Final Outcomes and Final Evaluation

These are my finished final Album cover, Album Booklet and CD. I am quite proud with my final outcome and what I have managed to achieve over the course of the assignment. I found it very fun and creative but professional and realistic. My aim was to create a fresh new album cover with a feel of wealth and stardom from the colours used and stars in the logo. My initial aim was to focus on the design more than the opening mechanism but in the end I chose to design something different and new, which is when I came up with pop up idea and made the CD pop up the middle. I pulled it off well and was very pleased with my progress.

I started off with just the logo in black and white as my first initial idea but wasn't satisfied so I came up with ways and techniques to adapt my original idea to make it more appealing and lively. I then added in some colour to the original idea which made it more bright but I still wanted that sleek professional look which is why I added in the background text over the front cover which is lyrics from one of the groups songs. I played around with this idea for while and then I finalised it which you can see in the top image. With the back cover I wanted to go with the same design but use an image instead of the logo. I used a photograph which I captured of a rapper and edited it on photoshop which I then used the same text effect with the lyrics and also played around with the gradient to get that interesting effect. I then finalised it as you can see from above.

I also created a booklet which consists of images of a rapper in different scenes with the same effect as the back cover. I thought this was a good idea as its eye catching and artistic. The front cover of the booklet is the song list. I didn't add the background text effect as it would of clashed with the song list. I then finalised the booklet and put it together as you can see from above.

With the inside of the case I didn't want to add any graphics or imagery because I wanted the main focus to be on the pop out mechanism. I added a gradient onto it to give it some colour and to match the rest of the album. To create the pop out mechanism I folded a sort of pyramid in the centre and cut two slots where the CD would slide into. It took me quite a few times and making quite a few prototypes to get the CD case to fit together perfectly but I completed it in the end and was very pleased with it. I also printed onto the CD so it could relate to the album artwork and also if the case gets lost you wouldn't have trouble knowing what CD it was.

I came across a number of problems during the making process of my final outcome. First the pop out mechanism kept on coming out of place and made the whole thing look tacky and messy. I adjusted the width of some of the sides and folded it in another way and it all came together perfectly which was a big relief. Another problem I came across was that the flap at the top covered some of the artwork. I altered it and cut part of it off so that it was like a small tab now which make it look neater and more revealing.

Overall this project was quite successful and I am pleased with my progress and my final outcomes. There is room for improvement on my range of skills I could maybe create something handmade rather than computerised next time. I am pleased with what I have achieved. I love the design I have used and wouldn't change any part of it and I now feel like I have gained more skills and knowledge to take me onto the next assignment.

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