Saturday 24 November 2012

Tim Marrs

This is the work by illustrator Tim Marrs. He is most recognised for his Nike Campaign and the work he he has produced for big companies such as Lucozade, Pepsi, Natwest and popular magazines. He bases his work around the technique of bringing together different images and overlaying them in a montage.

My first reaction when I saw the top piece of work was film and television. The man sitting in the chair in front of the tv appears to be brain dead from the way there is blood splattered beneath him and around him. The way all the images are surrounding the television could represent the media world coming to life and taking over the mans mind who is sitting down in the chair.

I like the creativity of this piece and the gritty look it has to it. I think he has used elements of stencilling and also over laying different images large and small. I admire the squares he has used overlapping each other which adds a technology kind of feel to it. Personally I like Tim Marrs work and the way he uses the techniques, I am considering experimenting with my own work using his techniques and styles.

The colours used are quite gritty but eye catching. Straight away the red caught my eye and the blood splattering which made me think about death and violence. The colours are quite dark and gritty which relates to the dark side of the television world.

The next image seems to be similar to the image above as they both are based on television and people. My first impression when I saw this piece was family and technology. The image could represent the way technology has developed over so many years as you can see from the iPad the boy is holding, the laptop, the xbox controller, the phone and the child holding the TV remote. The family are all dressed quite old fashionably which is a binary opposition of old and new. Usually many years ago families would all be together doing something but nowadays families have all of these new gadgets which makes them not really socialise together even though they are all sitting in the same room.

I like the techniques used in this piece I think the colours used are effective and grab your attention and the whole piece is sort of like a collage with writing and small images overlapping each other in the background. Tim Marrs is very good at using that technique and uses it very effectively.

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