Tuesday 6 March 2012

Ana Serrano Analysis

This is a spectacular paper installation created by Ana Serrano which is of a party supply store and a mechanics garage. This piece straight away grabs my attention as it looks like real life chain of stores that you would come across in your every day life on the street. She has made it very realistic as she has added features to make the mechanics garage look dirty and added the barb wire and satellite dishes which works perfectly. The party store looks like a real life party stuff with the wide range of bright colours and eye catching graphics on the front of the characters. Also she has added images in the windows to make it look like you can see inside of the shop which is a great effect and looks very realistic.

The materials which look like they have been used in this piece are normal things you can buy in your local shop or stationary shop or even find around your home. The materials which looked like they have been used are paper, perforated card, glue, plastic, paper clips, paint, felt tips, pencils, pens, string and coloured paper. Serrano has used a wide range of techniques to complete this and has used all the materials to their full potential. Key words i would use to describe this are spectacular, creative, original, complex, realistic and eye catching.

I think that the artists intentions of this paper installation was to make the audience feel like its a real chain of stores that they pass on the street in their day to day lives. She wanted to make it look as realistic as possible and add even the smallest features that you would find on the real life version of the stores. 

Personally I like this piece a lot because of the effort and creativeness that went into it and how the final outcome came out. It looks like a real life chain of stores and makes me feel like I can walk into them. I like the detail that went into it and the choice of colours, graphics and features that went into it. She has done a excellent job in making it look realistic and creative with the materials that she has used.

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