Sunday 11 March 2012

Paper Installation

This is a paper installation that my group and I made from different coloured papers, tracing paper and paint. I started off my making a building out of black paper and folded it into a long building like shape. I then cut windows and a door out of it and decided to cut of small people figures and stick them in the windows to make it look more real and creative and look like a hotel. After I finished the Hotel I decided to cut out a giant person and make sun glasses out of coloured paper and draw a face on him to make it look like he was on holiday. I then painted a sky and a sun and decided to make the sun look like it was on holiday and painted sunglasses and a face with a beard on it to add some more creativeness and humour to the piece. The palm trees were added to make it look like an exotic island which were made from coloured paper and brown card. 

I think that our Paper installation went well but there was room for a lot of improvement. I believe I should of cut out more windows to make it look more neater and realistic. The Hotel looks slightly plain and could have more eye catching features to it. The whole piece could have had more things in it to make it look more lively and fill up more space to make it look like a proper holiday scene. Overall I think the piece went well and is good. This could be one of my options to use for my final piece.

1 comment:

  1. The paper installation your were involved in creating looks good and you have annotated what you did well, but remember you were asked to circle the work you made so we can see which parts you made clearer, refer to the blog post for this lesson to help you with this.
